Ibiza/BoraBora Forum
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Board Rules
This forum works in a real time mode. Because of this it is not possible for us to control every message posted.
Please note that we cannot supervise the contributions of our visitors and members online.
We do not take responsibility for contents or correctness of these messages.
All authors is responsible for the contents of their message.
We forbid the posting of racism, pornography, and any messages offending a general group of people or person.
If these types of messages are noticed by an administrator or moderator, these messages can/will be deleted without giving notice to the author.
The administrator or moderator has the right to edit these posts to remove such content.
The owner of this forum has the right to ban or delete any user/visitor that does not follow these rules.
All information that is submitted to this forum will not be used/sold for any SPAM mailing lists.
We ask that all visitors/members that choose to discuss topics, to please have fair discussions and to watch their language.
Please use language that you would want to have said to you in a reply or a post directed to you.

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